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Sasha and her Trumpet

Adaptive Design

Sasha loves jazz. Miles Davis is her favorite. “I love how jazz weaves separate sounds together, making a cohesive and unified musical statement,” Said Sasha. “I decided that I wanted to learn to play the trumpet and create jazz for myself. The only challenge was that I do not have enough strength in my right arm to hold my trumpet up, so I had to get creative.”

Sasha never backs away from a challenge, so she developed a concept for a trumpet holder. “I wanted a device that would allow me to stand or sit while playing the trumpet. There just wasn’t anything out there that would work.” She said, “So I contacted ADA with my idea.”

Adam El Sawaf, Senior Designer at ADA, met with Sasha to learn about her idea. “Sasha’s design for a trumpet was really innovative. It was challenging to think about what type of materials could be strong enough to support her instrument, but light enough to comfortably rest on her body.” After creating a prototype, Adam used a 3D CAD program to design the trumpet holder. “The best thing about a 3D printer is that we can create anything.” Said Adam. After a couple of tries, Adam got the design just right and Sasha got a trumpet holder!

Now, Sasha plays jazz and takes lessons from a trumpet master. Her trumpet holder is always close-by, so that she can practice or perform anytime she pleases. Miles Davis continues to inspire Sasha as her own unique jazz sound is developing.

“I am so grateful to ADA for helping me to realize my dream of playing the trumpet.” Said Sasha, “I never dreamed that my design could actually become a reality.”

At ADA, we take good ideas and make dreams come true. We can only do this with your ongoing support.Visit ADA's Stock the Shop fundraising campaign to support a range of commonly used tools and materials (including 3D printer filament and veltex, both used on Sasha's trumpet harness) and we will keep making one-of-a-kind adaptations.

Let's get the shop stocked for another new year of unbelievable adaptations!

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