The Adaptive Design Association's Giving Tuesday virtual workshop promises to teach you cardboard carpentry techniques and together to make a big difference in the life of students who use tangible symbol cards.
This year we will come together to make tangible symbol card blanks. All cards made at this event will be donated to local schools. Volunteering to make blank cards means teachers can reserve their time to customize the cards based on their student's individual needs. At this free workshop, you'll learn techniques in cardboard carpentry and hear from our community partners about the importance of customization in their practice.
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Join the ADA team, on November 30, 2021 for any (or all!) of three workshops, using materials you probably have at home, to celebrate the day. Don't miss this cardboard carpentry experience in adaptive making! There is no fee to attend.
Follow these steps:
(1) Link to register
(2) Collect Cardboard! If you plan to use single wall cardboard - be sure to layer it in advance with this tutorial. You can purchase three-ply cardboard at Staples
(3) Gather your other tools and materials! Link to Amazon Shopping List - get the supplies you don't have at home.
white glue
sharp scissor
knife (for cutting cardboard)
plastic card (for spreading glue)
masking tape
paint - (white or black) school safe
foam paint brush
(4) Help spread the word! Here is a downloadable flyer to print and post in your community.
(5) Learn more about what you will be making! What are tactile symbol cues? Our friends at the NY Deaf-Blind Collaborative have the session titled Understanding & Supporting Communication Development: From Concrete to Abstract in their Professional Development video library. Tangible symbol card videos:
Take a look at how the Adaptive Design Community is using Tangible Symbol Card:
(6) Sign-on to the workshop on #GivingTuesday November 30th to make lots and lots of blank cards.
(7) donate the cards you make locally or drop them off at Adaptive Design so we can share them with our community.
Need cues? Adaptive Design makes the STACS set for the American Printing House but we also customize cues to your needs. Explore this link for samples and an order form.