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A New Chair for Sanayah

Adaptive Design

Sanayah and Rena are unmistakably mother and daughter: They both share the same large smile, beautiful brown eyes and infectious laughs. They have inside jokes and love the same songs. If ever there were two peas in a pod, it is Sanayah and Rena.

Sanayah and Rena’s road together has been one of perseverance, tenacity and the endless love of a mother for her only child. Sanayah was a bubbly, active two year-old in 2015, when she and Rena were hit by a drunk driver. Rena was able to recover, but Sanayah lost voluntary use of her lower torso and has limited mobility of her hands. After the accident, Sanayah had to recover in the hospital for four months as doctors worked to stabilize her injuries. Since then, Sanayah has had to work everyday to continue rehabilitating and strengthening her entire body.

In 2017, Antoinette LaSorsa, ADA’s Fabrication Director took Sanayah under her wing, designing a special table and chair where she could eat and work. A blue and pink custom rocker with deep foam cushions comfortably supported her growing body.

As Sanayah grew into a spunky “tweener”, she needed new furniture that could support her torso. Once again, ADA designed a larger chair and work table, and a booster chair that allows Sanaya to sit at the table and enjoy meals with her extended family.

“We couldn’t find any equipment that would work for Sanayah, and getting expensive custom made furniture was out of the question, that’s why I contacted ADA, to see if they could help us out.” said Rena. “Sanayah is going to require expensive, adaptive equipment for her entire life. I am so grateful that ADA could help us out and create such beautiful and personalized adaptations for her.”

ADA is about helping families to stay strong even when faced with unimaginable accidents that create unforeseen barriers. We can only do this important work with your help.

We invite you to be part of our ADA team. Please consider making a donation that is right for you and your family.

Image: Sanayah and Rena Sitting together at Sanayahs new table to match her custom seating. (2017)

Image: Sanayah smiling in her new rocking chair. (2017)

"This equipment not only assists my daughter in her daily activities, but it is also specifically designed for her medical conditions. They symbolize your team's generosity and compassion which I find exceptional and the best display of humanity." - Rena (mom)

Image: Sanayah tested out her updated chair and table during her second fitting. (2020)

Image: Sanayah smiling in her new custom seat. (2020)

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